
Membrane-associated NRPM proteins are novel suppressors of stomatal production in Arabidopsis.

Current biology : CB(2024)

引用 3|浏览19
In Arabidopsis, stomatal development and patterning require tightly regulated cell division and cell-fate differentiation that are controlled by key transcription factors and signaling molecules. To identify new regulators of stomatal development, we assay the transcriptomes of plants bearing enriched stomatal lineage cells that undergo active division. A member of the novel regulators at the plasma membrane (NRPM) family annotated as hydroxyproline-rich glycoproteins was identified to highly express in stomatal lineage cells. Overexpressing each of the four NRPM genes suppressed stomata formation, while the loss-of-function nrpm triple mutants generated severely overproduced stomata and abnormal patterning, mirroring those of the erecta receptor family and MAPKKK yoda null mutants. Manipulation of the subcellular localization of NRPM1 surprisingly revealed its regulatory roles as a peripheral membrane protein instead of a predicted cell wall protein. Further functional characterization suggests that NRPMs function downstream of the EPF1/2 peptide ligands and upstream of the YODA MAPK pathway. Genetic and cell biological analyses reveal that NRPM may promote the localization and function of the ERECTA receptor proteins at the cell surface. Therefore, we identify NRPM as a new class of signaling molecules at the plasma membrane to regulate many aspects of plant growth and development.
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