
Comparative Analyses of Pleurotus Pulmonarius Mitochondrial Genomes Reveal Two Major Lineages of Mini Oyster Mushroom Cultivars

Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal(2024)

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Pleurotus pulmonarius, commonly known as the mini oyster mushroom, is highly esteemed for its crisp texture and umami flavor. Limited genetic diversity among P. pulmonarius cultivars raises concerns regarding its sustainable industrial production. To delve into the maternal genetic diversity of the principal P. pulmonarius cultivars, 36 cultivars and five wild isolates were subjected to de novo sequencing and assembly to generate high-quality mitogenome sequences. The P. pulmonarius mitogenomes had lengths ranging from 69,096 to 72,905 base pairs. The mitogenome sizes of P. pulmonarius and those of other mushroom species in the Pleurotus genus showed a significant positive correlation with the counts of LAGLIDAG and GIY-YIG homing endonucleases encoded by intronic open reading frames. A comparison of gene arrangements revealed an inversion of a fragment containing atp9-nad3-nad2 between P. pulmonarius and P. ostreatus. The mitogenomes of P. pulmonarius were clustered into three distinct clades, two of which were crowded with commercial cultivars. Clade I, all of which possess an inserted dpo gene, shared a maternal origin linked to an ancestral cultivar from Taiwan. Primers were designed to target the dpo gene, potentially safeguarding intellectual property rights. The wild isolates in Clade III exhibited more divergent mitogenomes, rendering them valuable for breeding.
Pleurotus pulmonarius,Commercialized cultivars,Wild isolates,Maternal origin,Conserved PCG arrangement,Dpo gene,Intronic homing endonuclease
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