
Early Breast Development in Girls: the Power of Greyscale Sonography and Sonoelastography.

˜The œBritish journal of radiology/British journal of radiology(2024)

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Objective: Accurate distinction between central pubertal precociousness (PP) and premature thelarche (PT) is important to guide treatment. Both greyscale ultrasonography (US) and sonoelastography can be used to examine breast tissue. The aim of this study is to investigate the performance of breast US and strain elastographic (SE) in the diagnosis of increased breast volume in girls. Methods: Sixty-three girls with breast development up to 8 years of age and diagnosed with PP and PT were included in the prospective study. Basal luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and estradiol (E2) values were obtained. Each bud was considered as a unit in US. Mediolateral (ML) and anteroposterior diameters (AP) were measured, and US grading was performed. Breast SE was examined, and strain index (SI) was calculated. US and laboratory findings were compared. Results: Of the 121 buds examined, 39 (32.2%) were with PP (6.97 +/- 2.44 years) and 82 (67.8%) were with PT (6.51 +/- 2.52 years). Diameters were correlated with bone age, LH, FSH, and US grade. The mean AP showed a moderate difference in favour of PP between the groups (P < .06). The mean ML was higher in PP (P < .01). There was a difference in mean SI values (P < .004). Sensitivity and specificity were 71% and 61% for ML and 72% and 56% for SI, respectively. Conclusion: Both ML and US grading may help discriminate PP from PT. The role of sonoelastography requires further investigation.
puberty precox,thelarche,breast,ultrasound,elastography
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