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First Measurement of the Yield of ^8he Isotopes Produced in Liquid Scintillator by Cosmic-Ray Muons at Daya Bay

Physical review D/Physical review D(2024)

Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University | University of Wisconsin | Brookhaven National Laboratory | National Taiwan University Department of Physics | Institute of High Energy Physics | National United University | Tsinghua University Department of Engineering Physics | North China Electric Power University Institute of High Energy Physics | Siena College | University of California Department of Physics and Astronomy | University of Science and Technology of China | Shandong University | Charles University Faculty of Mathematics and Physics | Joint Institute for Nuclear Research | University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Physics | Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory | Illinois Institute of Technology Department of Physics | Beijing Normal University | Yale University Department of Physics | China Institute of Atomic Energy | Guangxi University | Virginia Tech Center for Neutrino Physics | National Chiao-Tung University Institute of Physics | University of Cincinnati Department of Physics | Temple University Department of Physics | Dongguan University of Technology | University of California Department of Physics | The University of Hong Kong Department of Physics | Nankai University School of Physics | Sun Yat-Sen (Zhongshan) University Institute of High Energy Physics | University of Science and Technology of China Institute of High Energy Physics | Joseph Henry Laboratories Institute of High Energy Physics | The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Physics | North China Electric Power University | Joseph Henry Laboratories | College of William and Mary | Shanghai Jiao Tong University Department of Physics and Astronomy | Nanjing University | China General Nuclear Power Group | National University of Defense Technology College of Electronic Science and Engineering | Tsinghua University Institute of High Energy Physics | Brookhaven National Laboratory Institute of High Energy Physics | Shandong University Institute of High Energy Physics | Chongqing University | Xi'an Jiaotong University Department of Nuclear Science and Technology

Cited 1|Views79
Daya Bay presents the first measurement of cosmogenic He-8 isotope production in liquid scintillator, using an innovative method for identifying cascade decays of He-8 and its child isotope, Li-8. We also measure the production yield of Li-9 isotopes using well-established methodology. The results, in units of 10(-8) mu(-1) g(-1) cm(2), are 0.307 +/- 0.042, 0.341 +/- 0.040, and 0.546 +/- 0.076 for He-8, and 6.73 +/- 0.73, 6.75 +/- 0.70, and 13.74 +/- 0.82 for Li-9 at average muon energies of 63.9 GeV, 64.7 GeV, and 143.0 GeV, respectively. The measured production rate of He-8 isotopes is more than an order of magnitude lower than any other measurement of cosmogenic isotope production. It replaces the results of previous attempts to determine the ratio of He-8 to Li-9 production that yielded a wide range of limits from 0% to 30%. The results provide future liquid-scintillator-based experiments with improved ability to predict cosmogenic backgrounds.
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Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment
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要点】:Daya Bay实验首次测量了液体闪烁器中由宇宙线缪子产生的^8He同位素的产量,并采用创新方法识别^8He及其子同位素^8Li的级联衰变,同时使用已知方法测量了^9Li同位素的产量。


实验】:在Daya Bay实验中,使用已知方法测量了不同能量下缪子的平均产量,分别为^8He: 0.307±0.042, 0.341±0.040, 和 0.546±0.076(单位:10^-8μ^-1g^-1cm^2),以及^9Li: 6.73±0.73, 6.75±0.70, 和 13.74±0.82(单位:10^-8μ^-1g^-1cm^2),这些测量结果为未来的液体闪烁器基实验提供了改进的宇宙线背景预测能力。