
Genetic insights into the relationship between immune cell characteristics and ischemic stroke: A bidirectional Mendelian randomization study

Xia Deng, Shuai Hou,Yanqiang Wang, Haiyan Yang,Chunping Wang

European journal of neurology(2024)

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Background and purpose: Ischemic stroke, a major contributor to global disability and mortality, is underpinned by intricate pathophysiological mechanisms, notably neuroinflammation and immune cell dynamics. Prior research has identified a nuanced and often paradoxical link between immune cell phenotypes and ischemic stroke susceptibility. The aim of this study was to elucidate the potential causal links between the median fluorescence intensity (MFI) and morphological parameters (MP) of 731 immune cell types and ischemic stroke risk. Methods: By analyzing extensive genetic datasets, we conducted comprehensive Mendelian randomization (MR) analyses to discern the genetic correlations between diverse immune cell attributes (MFI and MP) and ischemic stroke risk. Results: Our study identified key immune cell signatures linked to ischemic stroke risk. Both B cells and T cells, among other immune cell types, have a bidirectional influence on stroke risk. Notably, the regulatory T-cell phenotype demonstrates significant neuroprotective properties, with all odds ratio (OR) values and confidence intervals (CIs) being less than 1. Furthermore, CD39 phenotype immune cells, particularly CD39+ CD8+ T cells (inverse variance weighting [IVW] OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.87-0.97; p = 0.002) and CD39+ activated CD4 regulatory T cells (IVW OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.90-0.97; p < 0.001), show notable neuroprotection against ischemic stroke. Conclusion: This investigation provides new genetic insights into the interplay between various immune cells and ischemic stroke, underscoring the complex role of immune processes in stroke pathogenesis. These findings lay a foundation for future research, which may confirm and expand upon these links, potentially leading to innovative immune-targeted therapies for stroke prevention and management.
causal inference,immunity,ischemic stroke,MR analysis,neuroinflammation
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