
Human Consumption of Microplastics via Food Type and Habits: Recent Review

Water, Air, & Soil Pollution(2024)

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Plastic is a widely used material in the food area; it is used in the crop field and water pipes for the growth of plants, in food processing, packaging, and distribution of products and beverages, as well as in preparation and consumption at home. However, plastic wears down when used in all these processes, releasing tiny particles, denominate microplastics (MP), that mix with food, drinkable water, and other beverages before or during consumption. This review discusses recent findings of MP contamination in non–processed and processed food, and water, as well as the possible sources. The risks to human health associated with the consumption of MP and their effect on its metabolism are detailed. Some recommendations are made to reduce exposure to MP related to food practices, and some social behavior patterns that influence food–buying decisions are analyzed. The consumption of MP from food and water affects the entire population since a large part of the products and water contain them due to the practices used for their production and processing. However, the number of MP ingested daily can be reduced if consumption and behavior patterns are considered and modified at home when preparing food. Awareness of the health problems that MP consumption can cause is essential for the entire population since, unfortunately, no one is exempt from MP; infants and young children are the most at risk.
Microplastics,Food,Drinkable water,Consumption habits,Human health
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