Superconducting Qubits Above 20 GHz Operating over 200 mK


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Current state-of-the-art superconducting microwave qubits are cooled to extremely low temperatures to avoid sources of decoherence. Higher qubit operating temperatures would significantly increase the cooling power available, which is desirable for scaling up the number of qubits in quantum computing architectures and integrating qubits in experiments requiring increased heat dissipation. To operate superconducting qubits at higher temperatures, it is necessary to address both quasiparticle decoherence (which becomes significant for aluminum junctions above 160 mK) and dephasing from thermal microwave photons (which are problematic above 50 mK). Using low-loss niobium trilayer junctions, which have reduced sensitivity to quasiparticles due to niobium's higher superconducting transition temperature, we fabricate transmons with higher frequencies than previously studied, up to 24 GHz. We measure decoherence and dephasing times of about 1 us, corresponding to average qubit quality factors of approximately $10^5$, and find that decoherence is unaffected by quasiparticles up to 1 K. Without relaxation from quasiparticles, we are able to explore dephasing from purely thermal sources, finding that our qubits can operate up to approximately 250 mK while maintaining similar performance. The thermal resilience of these qubits creates new options for scaling up quantum processors, enables hybrid quantum experiments with high heat dissipation budgets, and introduces a material platform for even higher-frequency qubits.
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