Contents List M.C. Copsey,Jeanne Andres, Catherine J. Bacon, Nelly Berg, Matthew J. Bown,Sage Bowser,Hugh Cowley,Alan Holder,Samantha Ivell,James W. Moore,Liisa Niitsoo,Victoria Richards,Susan Weatherby, Rachel Wood, Nathan Ford, Bethany Johnson,Rebecca Wojturska,Jamie Humphrey, Daniel G. Nocera, Alán Aspuru‐Guzik, Christopher C. Cummins, Kazunari Domen, Matthew J. Gaunt, Hubert H. Girault, Christopher A. Hunter,David S. Leigh, Kopin Liu, Jane McCusker, Carsten Schultz, F. Dean Toste, Jihong Yu, Takuzo Aida, Markus Antonietti, Jeffrey W. Bode, Christopher J. Chang, Ben L. Feringa, Philip A. Gale, Michael Gräetzel, Christy L. HaynesChemical science(2015)Cited 0|Views2No scoreAI Read ScienceMust-Reading TreeExampleGenerate MRT to find the research sequence of this paperChat PaperSummary is being generated by the instructions you defined