
Recognition Memory Deficits Detected Through Eye-Tracking in Well-Controlled Children with Self-Limited Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes.

Yanlu Fu, Jingxin Zhang,Yina Cao, Linmei Ye,Runze Zheng,Qiwei Li, Beibei Shen, Yi Shi,Jiuwen Cao,Jiajia Fang


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OBJECTIVE:Children with self-limited epilepsy characterized by centrotemporal spikes (SeLECTS) exhibit cognitive deficits in memory during the active phase, but there is currently a lack of studies and techniques to assess their memory development after well-controlled seizures. In this study, we employed eye-tracking techniques to investigate visual memory and its association with clinical factors and global intellectual ability, aiming to identify potential risk factors by examining encoding and recognition processes.METHODS:A total of 26 recruited patients diagnosed with SeLECTS who had been seizure-free for at least 2 years, along with 24 control subjects, underwent Wechsler cognitive assessment and an eye-movement-based memory task while video-electroencephalographic (EEG) data were recorded. Fixation and pupil data related to eye movements were utilized to detect distinct memory processes and subsequently to compare the cognitive performance of patients exhibiting different regression patterns on EEG.RESULTS:The findings revealed persistent impairments in visual memory among children with SeLECTS after being well controlled, primarily observed in the recognition stage rather than the encoding phase. Furthermore, the age at onset, frequency of seizures, and interictal epileptiform discharges exhibited significant correlations with eye movement data.SIGNIFICANCE:Children with SeLECTS exhibit persistent recognition memory impairment after being well controlled for the disease. Controlling the frequency of seizures and reducing prolonged epileptiform activity may improve memory cognitive development. The application of the eye-tracking technique may provide novel insights into exploring memory cognition as well as underlying mechanisms associated with pediatric epilepsy.
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