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DNA Methylation-Governed Gene Expression in Autoimmune Arthritis

International Journal of Molecular Sciences(2019)

Cited 20|Views2
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Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease hallmarked by progressive and irreversible joint destruction. RA pathogenesis is a T cell-regulated and B cell-mediated process in which activated lymphocyte-produced chemokines and cytokines promote leukocyte infiltration that ultimately leads to destruction of the joints. There is an obvious need to discover new drugs for RA treatment that have different biological targets or modes of action than the currently employed therapeutics. Environmental factors such as cigarette smoke, certain diet components, and oral pathogens can significantly affect gene regulation via epigenetic factors. Epigenetics opened a new field for pharmacology, and DNA methylation and histone modification-implicated factors are feasible targets for RA therapy. Exploring RA pathogenesis involved epigenetic factors and mechanisms is crucial for developing more efficient RA therapies. Here we review epigenetic alterations associated with RA pathogenesis including DNA methylation and interacting factors. Additionally, we will summarize the literature revealing the involved molecular structures and interactions. Finally, potential epigenetic factor-based therapies will be discussed that may help in better management of RA in the future.
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epigenetics,DNA methylation,autoimmune diseases,rheumatoid arthritis,oral microbiota
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