Limits on Anomalouswwγandwwzcouplings Fromww/wz

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Physical review D Particles, fields, gravitation, and cosmology/Physical review D Particles and fields(2000)

引用 36|浏览0
Limits on anomalous WW␥ and WWZ couplings are presented from a study of WW/WZ→e j j events produced in pp ¯collisions at ͱsϭ1.8 TeV.Results from the analysis of data collected using the DO " detector during the 1993-1995 Tevatron collider run at Fermilab are combined with those of an earlier study from the 1992-1993 run.A fit to the transverse momentum spectrum of the W boson yields direct limits on anomalous WW␥ and WWZ couplings.With the assumption that the WW␥ and WWZ couplings are equal, we obtain Ϫ0.34ϽϽ0.36͑with ⌬ϭ0) and Ϫ0.43Ͻ⌬Ͻ0.59͑with ϭ0) at the 95% confidence level for a formfactor scale ⌳ϭ2.0 TeV.
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