
Measurement of Thei=1/2kπ S-wave Amplitude from Dalitz Plot Analyses Ofηc→kk¯πin Two-Photon Interactions

J. P. Lees,V. Poireau,V. Tisserand,E. Graugès,A. Palano,G. Eigen,D. N. Brown,Yu. G. Kolomensky,H. Koch,T. Schroeder,C. Hearty,T. S. Mattison,J. A. McKenna,R. Y. So,Vladimir Blinov, A. R. Buzykaev,V. P. Druzhinin,В. Б. Голубев,E. A. Kravchenko,A. P. Onuchin,S. I. Serednyakov,Yu. I. Skovpen,E. P. Solodov,K. Yu Todyshev,A. J. Lankford,J. W. Gary,O. Long,A. M. Eisner,W. S. Lockman,W. Panduro Vazquez,D. S. Chao,C. H. Cheng,B. Echenard, K. T. Flood,D. G. Hitlin,J. Kim,T. S. Miyashita,P. Ongmongkolkul,F. C. Porter,M. Röhrken,Z. Huard,B. T. Meadows,B. G. Pushpawela,M. D. Sokoloff,L. Sun,J. G. Smith, S. R. Wagner,D. Bernard,M. Verderi,D. Bettoni,C. Bozzi,R. Calabrese,G. Cibinetto,E. Fioravanti,I. Garzia,E. Luppi,V. Santoro,A. Calcaterra,R. de Sangro,G. Finocchiaro,S. Martellotti,P. Patteri,I. M. Peruzzi,M. Piccolo,A. Zallo,S. Passaggio, C. Patrignani,B. Bhuyan,U. Mallik,C. Chen,J. Cochran,S. Prell,H. Ahmed,M. R. Pennington,A. V. Gritsan,N. Arnaud,M. Davier,F. Le Diberder,A. M. Lutz,G. Wormser,D. J. Lange,Douglas Wright,J. P. Coleman,E. Gabathuler,D. E. Hutchcroft,D. J. Payne,C. Touramanis,A. J. Bevan,F. Di Lodovico,R. Sacco,G. Cowan, Swagato Banerjee,C. L. Davis,A. Denig,M. Fritsch,W. Gradl, K. Grießinger,A. Hafner,K. R. Schubert,R. J. Barlow,G. D. Lafferty,R. Cenci,A. Jawahery,D. A. Roberts,R. Cowan,R. Cheaib,S. H. Robertson,B. Dey,N. Neri,F. Palombo,L. Cremaldi,R. Godang, D. J. Summers, P. Taras,G. De Nardo, C. Sciacca,G. Raven,C. P. Jessop,J. M. LoSecco,K. Honscheid,R. Kass,A. Gaz,M. Margoni,M. Posocco,M. Rotondo,G. Simi,F. Simonetto,R. Stroili,S. Akar,E. Ben-Haim,M. Bomben,G. R. Bonneaud,G. Calderini,J. Chauveau,G. Marchiori,J. Ocariz,M. Biasini,E. Manoni,Alessandro Rossi,G. Batignani,S. Bettarini,M. Carpinelli,G. Casarosa,M. Chrząszcz,F. Forti,M. A. Giorgi,A. Lusiani,B. Oberhof,E. Paoloni,M. Rama, G. Rizzo,J. Walsh,A. J. S. Smith,F. Anulli,R. Faccini,F. Ferrarotto,F. Ferroni,A. Pilloni,G. Piredda,C. Bünger,S. Dittrich,O. Grünberg,M. Heß,T. Leddig,C. Voß,R. Waldi,T. Adye,F. F. Wilson,S. Emery,G. Hamel de Monchenault,G. Vasseur,D. Aston,C. Cartaro,M. R. Convery,J. Dorfan,W. Dunwoodie,M. Ebert, R. C. Field,B. G. Fulsom,M. T. Graham,C. Hast,W. R. Innes, P. Kim,D. W. G. S. Leith,S. Luitz,V. Lüth,D. B. MacFarlane, Denise Müller,H. A. Neal,B. N. Ratcliff,A. Roodman, M. K. Sullivan,J. Va’vra,W. J. Wisniewski,M. V. Purohit,J. R. Wilson,A. Randle-Conde, S. J. Sekula,M. Bellis, P. R. Burchat,E. M. T. Puccio,M. S. Alam,J. Ernst, R. Gorodeisky,N. Guttman,D. R. Peimer,A. Soffer, Stefan Spanier,J. L. Ritchie,R. F. Schwitters,J. M. Izen,X. C. Lou,F. Bianchi,F. De Mori,A. Filippi,D. Gamba,L. Lanceri,L. Vitale,F. Martínez-Vidal,A. Oyanguren,J. Albert,A. Beaulieu,Florian Urs Bernlochner,G. J. King,R. Kowalewski,T. Lueck,I. M. Nugent,J. M. Roney,N. Tasneem,Timothy Gershon,P. F. Harrison,T. E. Latham,R. Prepost, Sau Lan Wu

Physical review D/Physical review D(2016)

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We study the processes $\ensuremath{\gamma}\ensuremath{\gamma}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{K}_{S}^{0}{K}^{\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{\ensuremath{\mp}}$ and $\ensuremath{\gamma}\ensuremath{\gamma}\ensuremath{\rightarrow}{K}^{+}{K}^{\ensuremath{-}}{\ensuremath{\pi}}^{0}$ using a data sample of $519\text{ }\text{ }{\mathrm{fb}}^{\ensuremath{-}1}$ recorded with the BABAR detector operating at the SLAC PEP-II asymmetric-energy ${e}^{+}{e}^{\ensuremath{-}}$ collider at center-of-mass energies at and near the $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Upsilon}}(nS)$ ($n=2$, 3, 4) resonances. We observe ${\ensuremath{\eta}}_{c}$ decays to both final states and perform Dalitz plot analyses using a model-independent partial wave analysis technique. This allows a model-independent measurement of the mass-dependence of the $I=1/2$ $K\ensuremath{\pi}\text{ }\mathcal{S}$-wave amplitude and phase. A comparison between the present measurement and those from previous experiments indicates similar behavior for the phase up to a mass of $1.5\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{GeV}/{c}^{2}$. In contrast, the amplitudes show very marked differences. The data require the presence of a new ${a}_{0}(1950)$ resonance with parameters $m=1931\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}14\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}22\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{MeV}/{c}^{2}$ and $\mathrm{\ensuremath{\Gamma}}=271\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}22\ifmmode\pm\else\textpm\fi{}29\text{ }\text{ }\mathrm{MeV}$.
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