
Annotations to the Figured Scallops (mollusca, Bivalvia, Pectinidae) in Gualtieri’s “index Testarum Conchyliorum”, Deposited in the Museo Di Storia Naturale E Del Territorio at Calci (pisa, Italy)

Various articles(2016)

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An overview is given of the Pectinidae types present in the Gualtieri collection. In Gualtieri (1742) 46 figures (pl. 73 - 15 figs, pl. 74 - 25 figs, pl. 98 – 2 figs, and pl. 99 – 4 figs) show specimens of Pectinidae. Linnaeus (1758) referred to 10 Pectinidae species figured by Gualtieri. Of these, 8 species (7 paralectotypes and one syntype, herein recognised) were traced in the Gualtieri collection, and 2 species (Ostrea peslutrae and Ostrea maxima) were not found. Subsequently, Gmelin (1791) referred to 33 Pectinidae species (12 described by Linnaeus in 1758, one species described by Muller in 1776), and 20 species (13 species were traced, all herein recognised as syntypes, and 7 species were not found) named by himself. No direct evidence was found of Rumphius’ Pectinidae specimens in the Gualtieri collection. New junior synonyms are Ostrea fasciata Linnaeus, 1758 = Ostrea glabra Linnaeus, 1758, Ostrea plana Gmelin, 1791 = Ostrea opercularis Linnaeus, 1758, Ostrea media Gmelin, 1791 = Ostrea varia Linnaeus, 1758, Ostrea florida Gmelin, 1791 = Ostrea opercularis Linnaeus, 1758, Ostrea incarnata Gmelin, 1791 = Ostrea opercularis Linnaeus, 1758, and two new senior synonyms: O. punctata Gmelin, 1791 = Pecten lentiginosus Reeve, 1853 and Ostrea depressa Gmelin, 1791 = Ostrea flexuosa Poli, 1795. The junior synonyms are retained as the valid names.
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