
A novel classification for guiding the surgical approach for cranio-orbital lesions: a single institution case series of 45 cases and a literature review

Neurosurgical Review(2024)

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We aim to share our experience of the removal of cranio-orbital lesions (COLs) and propose a novel classification to guide the tailored approach selection. We retrospectively reviewed 45 consecutive patients with COLs who underwent surgery performed by the same neurosurgeon between November 2010 and November 2022. The surgical approach was selected according to the anatomical region classification of the COLs. For lesions limited to space A (lateral superior orbital fissure, SOF), the pterion or extended pterion approach (PA or EPA) was used. For lesions limited to space B (extraconal compartment medial SOF, and cavernous sinus CS) and C (intraconal compartment, medial SOF, and CS), the pretemporal transcavernous approach (PTCA) was used. For lesions limited to space D (intraconal compartment and optic canals), the subfrontal approach (SA) was used. For lesions extending into the infratemporal fossa (ITF), the cranio-orbito-zygomatic approach (COZA) was used. For lesions involving pterygopalatine fossa (PPF), the endoscopic transnasal approach (ETNA) was used. We analyzed the clinical manifestations, imaging data, surgical approaches, surgical outcomes, neurological outcomes, and follow-up data. Gross total resection was performed in 35 patients (35/45, 77.8%). SA, PA, EPA, PTCA, COZA, and ETNA were performed in 9, 9, 10, 10, 6, and 1 case(s), respectively. Progression of the residual tumor was observed in 6 cases (1 adenoid cystic carcinoma and 5 meningiomas). Surgical approach selection plays a vital role in patient prognosis. This novel classification based on the involvement of anatomic space could help surgeons select an appropriate approach to remove the COLs.
Meningiomas,Schwannoma,Cranio-orbital lesions,Surgical approach
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