The multiple roles of trichomes in two Croton species.

Karina Crisóstomo Araújo,Bruno Cruz Souza,Ellen Cristina Dantas Carvalho, Rosemeyre Souza Freire, Adunias Santos Teixeira,Celli Rodrigues Muniz,Fernando Roberto Martins,Rafael Silva Oliveira, Cleiton Breder Eller,Arlete Aparecida Soares

Plant, cell & environment(2024)

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Trichomes are common in plants from dry environments, and despite their recognized role in protection and defense, little is known about their role as absorptive structures and in other aspects of leaf ecophysiology. We combine anatomical and ecophysiological data to evaluate how trichomes affect leaf gas exchange and water balance during drought. We studied two congeneric species with pubescent leaves which co-occur in Brazilian Caatinga: Croton blanchetianus (dense trichomes) and Croton adenocalyx (sparse trichomes). We found a novel foliar water uptake (FWU) pathway in C. blanchetianus composed of stellate trichomes and underlying epidermal cells and sclereids that interconnect the trichomes from both leaf surfaces. The water absorbed by these trichomes is redistributed laterally by pectin protuberances on mesophyll cell walls. This mechanism enables C. blanchetianus leaves to absorb water more efficiently than C. adenocalyx. Consequently, the exposure of C. blanchetianus to dew during drought improved its leaf gas exchange and water status more than C. adenocalyx. C. blanchetianus trichomes also increase their leaf capacity to reflect light and maintain lower temperatures during drought. Our results emphasize the multiple roles that trichomes might have on plant functioning and the importance of FWU for the ecophysiology of Caatinga plants during drought.
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