
Översvämningar Inom Förorenade Fastigheter I Helsingborg - En Riskbedömning Av Förorenade Fastigheter Vid Framtida Skyfall Och Högvatten


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According to IPCC:s latest report a rise in extreme weather situations is expected as a result of global warming. Climate changes are causing more intense precipitation and rising sea levels. Because of this, flood events are expected to increase. Studies show that flood events cause increased transport of contaminants due to flooding of contaminated sites. This can cause harm on both humans and the environment. As a result of this, it is important to identify contaminated sites that might be affected during flood events. The aim of this study is to identify which of the contaminated sites in the city of Helsingborg, in south west Sweden, that poses the greatest risk of contamination transport due to flooding events. This was done by comparing maps over potentially contaminated sites with four modelled flood scenarios that show how floods might affect Helsingborg due to heavy rainfalls and future sea level rise. The average water depth of the modelled floods on each contaminated site was then calculated by using the GIS-program ArcGIS. After identifying the sites with the highest calculated water depth, MIFO-reports of each of these sites were summarized. As a result of this, the sites where contaminants are most hazardous and most likely to be transported could be identified. The result of this study shows that there are a total of twelve sites that poses the greatest risk of contamination transport in Helsingborg. However, there is a lack of studies on how contaminated areas are affected by floods which makes the risk assessment difficult. Hence, this study concludes that there is a need for further research of how soil pollutions are affected by floods, especially in urban areas. This study also concludes that effects of climate changes probably should be included from the start in future risk assessments of contaminated sites. (Less)
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