Requirement of ATM-Dependent Monoubiquitylation of Histone H2B for Timely Repair of DNA Double-Strand Breaks (vol 41, Pg 529, 2011)
Lilach Moyal,Yaniv Lerenthal,Mali Gana‐Weisz,Gilad Mass,Sairei So, Siying Wang,Berina Eppink,Young-Min Chung,Gil Shalev,Efrat Shema,Dganit Shkedy,Nechama I. Smorodinsky,Nicole van Vliet,Bernhard Küster,Matthias Mann,Aaron Ciechanover,Jochen Dahm‐Daphi,Roland Kanaar, Mengwei Hu, D. J. Chen, Matan Oren,Y. Shiloh Molecular cell(2011)
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