
Minority Student Retention: the Importance of Ethnicity Based Technical Organizations for Students at Majority Institutions

Michael Lee, Charles H. Sampson, Ingrid St. Omer


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It is widely accepted that one of the many institutional factors that negatively impact the retention of students of color is the scarcity of professional role models and minority faculty members.However, the significance of these relationships, particularly in traditional majority institutions, is vastly underestimated.According to the 1993 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty, African Americans made up only about 2.8% of full-time engineering instructional faculty and staff; Hispanics fared slightly better at 3.1% and American Indian/Alaskan Natives were less than one percent. 1Thus, within the engineering academic community, a relatively small number of minority faculty members are available at undergraduate institutions nationwide.This paper explores the institutional support of minority student interaction with ethnic professional societies for students at a predominantly white institution to help compensate for the scarcity of minority faculty and professional role models.Undergraduate and graduate students from the University of Missouri -Columbia received supplemental financial support for attendance at the annual conference of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) or the Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE).Each participating student was required to prepare a report detailing his or her activities and impressions from this activity.The potential positive impact of such activities for students at majority institutions is evidenced by their responses and by their continued success in engineering.
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