
Safe Zone Ally Training Workshop: Level 1


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This abstract is a workshop proposal. Did you know that 1 in 3 LGBTQ+ students are made to feel uncomfortable in our classrooms? Did you know that LGBTQ engineering students are more likely than women, underrepresented minorities, and non-LGBTQ peers to report a chilly climate in engineering (Cech et al., 2017)? Did you know that LGB students are less likely to be retained in STEM than their heterosexual peers (Hughes, 2018)? Did you know that LGBQ Faculty in STEM fields reported the highest level of discomfort on campus, in departments, and in classrooms (Patridge, 2014)? You can help change this! Safe Zone Ally Training workshops are interactive training sessions for faculty, students, and the professional community that seek to raise awareness for LGBTQ+ inclusion in STEM and create a visible network of allies to foster a supportive atmosphere for LGBTQ+ individuals. During these research-informed workshops, participants will build the knowledge and skills needed to create a more inclusive and affirming environment for LGBTQ+ individuals in engineering. The workshops have been developed by a community of Science and Engineering professionals and students, specifically for a STEM audience. The workshops typically last 90 minutes and are facilitated by two members of our community of advocates. Safe Zone Ally Training Level 1 workshops focus on understanding LGBTQ+ concepts, LGBTQ+ identity development and the coming out process, and simple strategies for building an inclusive environment and being an LGBTQ+ ally. The key learning outcomes for Level 1 workshops are: 1) Understand the importance of Safe Zone Ally Training workshops and why it is necessary to build knowledge and skills related to LGBTQ+ individuals and STEM inclusion. 2) Understand the concepts of sex, gender, and sexual orientation. 3) Understand the identity development and coming out process for LGBTQ+ individuals. 4) Learn how to contribute to an inclusive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals through implementing inclusive strategies (special attention paid to beginner ally strategies). These workshops are interactive and incorporate several brief individual and group activities to enhance learning. Participants do not need to bring supplies. Participants in Levels 1 and 2 will receive a Safe Zone sticker to display in their workplace. Digital badges will be awarded for participation in each workshop in the Safe Zone series.
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