Reservoir Simulation of Charge History over Geologic Time Matches Many Measurements of Connectivity in Stacked Turbidite Reservoirs


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Present-day distributions of reservoir fluid properties result from mixing of gas and oil charges, over geologic time. Fluid mixing outcomes are highly variable, covering the whole range of reservoir realizations from simple equilibrated to complex disequilibrium distributions. Fluid dynamic processes lead to current reservoir realizations and are affected by structural flow barriers or depositional stratigraphic barriers such as shale breaks. By understanding hydraulic connectivity implications on oil chemistry, we provide an effective method for the assessment of reservoir connectivity. We introduce a new way of modeling the implications of hydraulic connectivity on reservoir fluid geodynamic processes leading to present-day reservoir realizations. Reservoir simulations over geologic time are used to match complex fluid charges into the reservoir and we compare these results to many measurements of compositional distribution of reservoir fluids as a new way to test the geologic model of the reservoir. Understanding fluid dynamic and mixing processes leads to a reliable assessment of reservoir structures and connectivity profiles.
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