Improving Rainfall-Runoff Modeling in the Mekong River Basin Using Bias-corrected Satellite Precipitation Products by Convolutional Neural Networks


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Accurate rainfall-runoff (RR) modeling is crucial for effective Mekong River Basin (MRB) water resource management. Satellite precipitation products (SPPs) can offer valuable data for such modeling; however, these products often exhibit biases that may adversely affect hydrological simulations. This study aimed to improve RR modeling using bias-corrected SPPs and the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for MRB. A convolutional neural network-based deep learning framework was employed to correct biases in four SPPs (TRMM, PERSIANN-CDR, CHIRPS, and CMORPH), resulting in four respective bias-corrected SPPs (ADJ_TRMM, ADJ_CDR, ADJ_CHIR, and ADJ_CMOR). The bias-corrected products were compared against a gauge-based dataset in terms of rainfall analysis, and their performance within the SWAT model was assessed over calibration (2004-2013) and validation (2014-2015). Bias-corrected products demonstrated superior performance in rainfall analysis, with ADJ_TRMM outperforming other products. The SWAT model calibration results showed satisfactory performance across all stations, with a Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) ranging from [0.76-0.87]. Integrating bias-corrected SPPs into the SWAT model significantly increased the RR simulations in the MRB, indicated by higher NSE values [0.72-0.85] compared to uncorrected SPPs [-0.37 to 0.85] at the Kratie station. Besides, the inconsistent performance of bias-corrected products between rainfall analysis and RR modeling was observed, with ADJ_CDR outperforming ADJ_TRMM in the SWAT model. These results highlight the significance of using bias-corrected SPPs in hydrological modeling applications, especially in areas with limited ground-based precipitation data, and highlight the need for further research to refine bias correction methods and address the limitations of the SWAT model.
CNN,MRB,precipitation bias correction,rainfall-runoff modeling,SPP,SWAT
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