
Influence of Hydrological Pathways on Dissolved Organic Carbon Fluxes in Tropical Streams

Ecology and evolution(2016)

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Water flow pathways and water balance are fundamental components for understanding the dynamics of C in the soil/water interface of small basins. The objective of this study was to describe the seasonal variations and estimate the annual balance of dissolved organic carbon ( DOC ) by comparing two tropical microbasins (preserved forest— PF and cacao plantation— CP ). Twenty‐one weekly collections were conducted from September to December 2012 and from April to June 2013. The calculation of the partial balance considered precipitation (P) as inflow and the stream as outflow. The samples were filtered and analyzed using a TOC analyzer. Overall, the DOC was higher CP compared with FP . The behavior of both venues showed that rainy season caused an increase in concentrations in the overland flow ( OF ) and in the stream, and a decrease in the precipitation (P) and in the throughfall (T). In the CP , the outflow and the soil were chiefly responsible for the high DOC concentrations in the stream, when compared to the PF , which is the result of constant OM decomposition. Soil composition contributes to the control of DOC consumption in each type of soil. The balances were negative in both microbasins, although losses were higher in the AFS (agroforestry systems) when compared to the PF , especially during rainy seasons (−8.98 and −3.05 kg ha −1 year −1 , CP and FP , respectively). Thus, the high annual loss of DOC in the CP of the microbasins during the rainy season indicates changes in ecosystem metabolism due to the vegetation cover and to the interactions with the soil.
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