Comparative in Vitro Digestion and Intestinal Absorption Simulation of Chicken Protein, Wheat Gluten, and Their Hydrolyzed Analogues for Canine and Feline Nutritional Supplement

ACS food science & technology(2024)

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Utilizing in vitro methodologies that emulate canine and feline gastrointestinal tract dynamics, coupled with the Caco-2 monolayer cellular system, this investigation delved into the intricate dynamics of digestibility, absorption, and bioavailability of chicken protein (CP) and wheat gluten (WG), juxtaposed with their hydrolyzed analogues: hydrolyzed chicken powder (HCP) and wheat hydrolyzed protein (WH). Our empirical findings elucidated that hydrolyzed entities (HCP and WH) manifested augmented metrics of digestion, absorption, and bioavailability relative to their nonhydrolyzed counterparts (CP and WG). Intriguingly, within the canine cohort, plant-derived proteins, notably WH and WG, exhibited pronounced superiority in absorption kinetics and bioavailability when contrasted with their zoological equivalents (HCP and CP). Conversely, the felid matrix showcased a preferential inclination toward heightened bioavailability and absorption efficacy of zoologically derived proteins. The hydrolytic cascade, as delineated, potentiated the liberation of free amino acids and diminutive peptides within protein digests, thus optimizing intestinal cellular assimilation and amplifying the uptake of quintessential amino acids.
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Key words
canine,feline,gastrointestinal digestion,Caco-2 cells,hydrolyzed protein,absorption
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