
Wave-like oscillations of clamped microtubules driven by collective dynein transport


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Microtubules (MTs) are observed to move and buckle driven by ATP -dependent molecular motors in both mitotic and interphasic eukaryotic cells as well as in specialized structures such as flagella and cilia with a stereotypical geometry. In previous work, clamped MTs driven by a few kinesin motors were seen to buckle and occasionally flap in what was referred to as flagella -like motion. Theoretical models of active -filament dynamics and a following force have predicted that, with sufficient force and binding -unbinding, such clamped filaments should spontaneously undergo periodic buckling oscillations. However, a systematic experimental test of the theory and reconciliation to a model was lacking. Here, we have engineered a minimal system of MTs clamped at their plus ends and transported by a sheet of dynein motors that demonstrate the emergence of spontaneous traveling -wave oscillations along single filaments. The frequencies of tip oscillations are in the millihertz range and are statistically indistinguishable in the onset and recovery phases. We develop a 2D computational model of clamped MTs binding and unbinding stochastically to motors in a "gliding-assay"geometry. The simulated MTs oscillate with a frequency comparable to experiment. The model predicts the effect of MT length and motor density on qualitative transitions between distinct phases of flapping, regular oscillations, and looping. We develop an effective "order parameter"based on the relative deflection along the filament and orthogonal to it. The transitions predicted in simulations are validated by experimental data. These results demonstrate a role for geometry, MT buckling, and collective molecular motor activity in the emergence of oscillatory dynamics.
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