
KCNQ1 P.d446e Variant As a Risk Allele for Arrhythmogenic Phenotypes: Electrophysiological Characterization Reveals a Complex Phenotype Affecting the Slow Delayed Rectifier Potassium Current (iks) Voltage Dependence by Causing a Hyperpolarizing Shift and a Lack of Response to Protein Kinase A Activation.

International journal of molecular sciences(2024)

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Genetic testing is crucial in inherited arrhythmogenic channelopathies; however, the clinical interpretation of genetic variants remains challenging. Incomplete penetrance, oligogenic, polygenic or multifactorial forms of channelopathies further complicate variant interpretation. We identified the KCNQ1/p.D446E variant in 2/63 patients with long QT syndrome, 30-fold more frequent than in public databases. We thus characterized the biophysical phenotypes of wildtype and mutant IKs co-expressing these alleles with the β-subunit minK in HEK293 cells. KCNQ1 p.446E homozygosity significantly shifted IKs voltage dependence to hyperpolarizing potentials in basal conditions (gain of function) but failed to shift voltage dependence to hyperpolarizing potentials (loss of function) in the presence of 8Br-cAMP, a protein kinase A activator. Basal IKs activation kinetics did not differ among genotypes, but in response to 8Br-cAMP, IKs 446 E/E (homozygous) activation kinetics were slower at the most positive potentials. Protein modeling predicted a slower transition of the 446E Kv7.1 tetrameric channel to the stabilized open state. In conclusion, biophysical and modelling evidence shows that the KCNQ1 p.D446E variant has complex functional consequences including both gain and loss of function, suggesting a contribution to the pathogenesis of arrhythmogenic phenotypes as a functional risk allele.
KCNQ1,p.D446E,low-frequency polymorphism,long QT syndrome,early repolarization,loss of function,gain of function,IKs
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