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Downward Myocardial Creep During Stress PET Imaging is Inversely Associated with Mortality.

European journal of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging(2024)

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The myocardial creep is a phenomenon in which the heart moves from its original position during stress-dynamic PET myocardial perfusion imaging (MPI) that can confound myocardial blood flow measurements. Therefore, myocardial motion correction is important to obtain reliable myocardial flow quantification. However, the clinical importance of the magnitude of myocardial creep has not been explored. We aimed to explore the prognostic value of myocardial creep quantified by an automated motion correction algorithm beyond traditional PET-MPI imaging variables. Consecutive patients undergoing regadenoson rest-stress [82Rb]Cl PET-MPI were included. A newly developed 3D motion correction algorithm quantified myocardial creep, the maximum motion at stress during the first pass (60 s), in each direction. All-cause mortality (ACM) served as the primary endpoint. A total of 4,276 patients (median age 71 years; 60
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Dynamic myocardial perfusion imaging,Myocardial flow reserve,Positron emission tomography,Regadenoson,Rubidium
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