
Angiotensinogen, Thermolabile Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase and Factor V Gene Variants among Korean Women with Preeclampsia, As Risk Factors

Obstetrics & gynecology science(2004)

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Objective : To know the genotypic distributions of Angiotensinogen, Thermolabile Methylenetetrahydrofolate Reductase (MTHFR) and Factor V Gene Variants, suggested as risk factors of preeclampsia, among Korean Women. Methods : 113 preeclampsia patients and 70 normotensive pregnancy controls were evaluated. DNA was extracted from peripheral leukocytes, then PCR and restriction by appropriate enzymes were done to identify the single nucleotide polymorphism. The genotypic distributions of preeclampsia and the control group were compared. Results : Nineteen of 113 women with preeclampsia (17%) and 14 of 72 with nulliparous preeclampsia (19%) were heterozygous for the angiotensinogen T704C mutation, and 94 of 113 women with preeclampsia (83%) and 58 of 72 women with nulliparous preeclampsia (81%) were homozygous. While 7/70 (10%) were heterozygous, and 59/70 (84%) were homozygous for the T704C mutation among the control subjects. The frequency of the MTHFR T677 allele was 36% in the preeclamptic group and 38% in the control group, and TT homozygosity was found in 26 preeclamptic women (23%) and in 13 controls (19%). No women were homozygous or heterozygous for the factor V Leiden mutation. Conclusion : Angiotensinogen T704C mutation is associated with preeclampsia in the Korean population. There was no association between the thermolabile variant of MTHFR and risk of preeclampsia in our study population. We observed no factor V Leiden mutation. We also suggested that a person with angiotensinogen T704C mutation plus MTHFR C677T variant does not have more of an increased risk for preeclampsia than with angiotensinogen T704C mutation only.
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