
Dynamic Simulation of Photosynthate Distribution Parameters and Biomass of Summer Maize under Water Stress

Jingjing Dou,Zhiwei Zheng,Yangren Wang, Ni Zhang, Yikun Wang, Yanfen Zhang, Chunlai Liu

Irrigation science(2024)

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Water shortages and population surges pose notable challenges to food security. North China is an important grain base of the country, with limited available water resources. Therefore, it is necessary to research the patterns of photosynthate accumulation, distribution, and transfer in summer maize under water stress. On the basis of existing methods, in this study, we considered the impact of water stress with two methods, namely the distribution coefficient method and the distribution index method. The results showed that the water correction coefficient indices of the stem–leaf ratio spike–stem ratio, and root–shoot ratio were 0.2705, 0.3530, and −0.2097, respectively, which revealed that water stress caused a decrease in the stem–leaf ratio and spike–stem ratio and an increase in the root–shoot ratio. Water stress caused a reduction in the stem distribution index and leaf distribution index and a slight increase in the spike distribution index. The filling stage was the critical period for water stress to affect the distribution coefficient of each organ, while the jointing stage was the critical period for water stress to affect the leaf distribution index. During the middle growth period, water stress exerted the greatest impact on the distribution parameters. Water stress imposed a greater influence on the distribution coefficient than on the distribution index. The two methods effectively simulated the accumulation and distribution process of photosynthates under water stress conditions, and the R2, average absolute percentage and root mean square error values were 0.9358–0.9997, 4.15–22.71
Water stress,Distribution coefficient,Distribution index,Photosynthetic products,Transfer rate,Summer maize
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