
SU‐E‐T‐259: Particle Swarm Optimization in Radial Dose Function Fitting for a Novel Iodine‐125 Seed

Medical physics on CD-ROM/Medical physics(2014)

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Purpose: To determine the coefficients of bi‐ and tri‐exponential functions for the best fit of radial dose functions of the new iodine brachytherapy source: Iodine‐125 Seed AgX‐100. Methods: The particle swarm optimization (PSO) method was used to search for the coefficients of the biand tri‐exponential functions that yield the best fit to data published for a few selected radial distances from the source. The coefficients were encoded into particles, and these particles move through the search space by following their local and global best‐known positions. In each generation, particles were evaluated through their fitness function and their positions were changed through their velocities. This procedure was repeated until the convergence criterion was met or the maximum generation was reached. All best particles were found in less than 1,500 generations. Results: For the I‐125 seed AgX‐100 considered as a point source, the maximum deviation from the published data is less than 2.9% for bi‐exponential fitting function and 0.2% for tri‐exponential fitting function. For its line source, the maximum deviation is less than 1.1% for bi‐exponential fitting function and 0.08% for tri‐exponential fitting function. Conclusion: PSO is a powerful method in searching coefficients for bi‐exponential and tri‐exponential fitting functions. The bi‐ and tri‐exponential models of Iodine‐125 seed AgX‐100 point and line sources obtained with PSO optimization provide accurate analytical forms of the radial dose function. The tri‐exponential fitting function is more accurate than the bi‐exponential function.
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