
Literaturübersicht Zu Aktuellen Forschungsergebnissen Zum Positiven Effekt Von Bewegungstherapie Bei Chronischer Herzinsuffizienz

Complementary medicine research(2003)

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Scientific investigations indicate similarities in the pathophysiology of heart insufficiency and that of physical inactivity: similar changes in peripheral hemodynamics (increased peripheral vascular resistance, worsening of oxygen utilization during exercise), in autonomic control (activation of neurohumoral compensatory mechanisms, e.g. the renin-angiotensin system, overactivation of the sympathicus, reduction of vagal tonus, reduced pressosensitivity), in functional activity (reduced exercise tolerance and reduced maximum oxygen uptake), in skeletal muscle (decrease in mass, changes in structure), and in the psychological state (reduction in activity and feeling of well-being). In several, although small-scale studies it could be shown that patients with advanced left ventricular failure were able to take part in training programs without experiencing any ill effects, and that there was a positive shift in the usual typical effects of physical training, such as increase of heart rate, change in respiratory frequency, and maximum oxygen uptake. It could be shown that exercise therapy can result in a shift in the balance between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic tonus in the low- and high-frequency maxima of the R-R interval variability. The pre-training general predominance of the sympathetic tonus over the vagal tonus was changed dramatically by the training, leading to a predominance of the vagal tonus. Recent controlled studies with a randomized and controlled cross-over design and the application of a training program which was carried out regularly and independently have confirmed the positive effect of aerobic fitness training in cases of heart disease. At the end of the exercise phase, the patients experienced a significant improvement of the symptoms of left ventricular failure and of their capacity for exercise; furthermore, the training altered parts of the neurohumoral activation, which count as the main factors in the progression and death rate of patients with chronic cardiac disease.
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