
Petrology of the Cretaceous Riacho Do Cordeiro Dike Swarm: Unraveling the Giant Low-Ti Tholeiitic Plumbing System of the Equatorial Atlantic Magmatic Province


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The formation of the Early Cretaceous Equatorial Atlantic Magmatic Province (EQUAMP), northeastern Brazil, is related to the fragmentation of the West Gondwana supercontinent that culminated in the separation of South America and Africa, during the Lower Cretaceous. The EQUAMP is characterized by its intrusive nature, where mafic dike swarms intrude the Proterozoic basement of the Borborema Province. The other components of this province are represented by sill complexes hosted between the Paleozoic sediments in the Parnaiba Basin, described as the Sardinha Formation. The magmatism related to the EQUAMP is tholeiitic, with high -Ti, and lowTi magmas compositions that with similar features that are observed in other Mesozoic igneous provinces of Gondwana. The Riacho do Cordeiro dike swarm (RCo) represents the southernmost manifestation of the EQUAMP, consisting of a series of igneous bodies aligned along the N45E trend, arranged in an en echelon pattern. This structure extends for about 350 km, cutting the Precambrian basement of the southern segment of the Borborema Province. The dikes have a composition similar to tholeiitic basalts and basaltic andesites, but they are distinguished from the other components of the EQUAMP by their exclusively low -Ti content (TiO2 = 1.7-1.2 wt%). Magmatic differentiation is the main petrogenetic mechanism of the low -Ti magmas, typified by the systematic fractionation of major elements with respect to the variation of MgO (6.4-2.4% wt%). Trace (including rare earth) element patterns show enrichment in incompatible elements and negative anomalies in Nb-Ta, a pattern recognized in continental basalts derived from (or contaminated with) lithospheric mantle. The Sr (Sr-87/Sr-86(i) 0.7072 to 0.7091) and Pb (Pb-206/Pb-204 18.360 to 18.785) isotopic signatures, combined with negative values for epsilon Nd(i) (-4.8 to -6.1) and TDM model ages >1.2 Ga, confirm the involvement of reservoir(s) in the upper mantle possibly modified by ancient subduction processes. The first reported 40Ar/39Ar ages for the low -Ti tholeiites of the RCo indicate ages from 134.53 +/- 3.10 to 132.19 +/- 1.28 Ma. Geochemically, the low -Ti tholeiites of the RCo are equivalent to low -Ti dikes that constitute part of the Rio Ceara Mirim dike swarm, the main component of the EQUAMP. Besides that, in a scenario external to this province, the same compositional correspondence is found within the Cretaceous dikes of the Vitoria-Colatina swarm, southeastern Brazil, and the low -Ti type lavas of the Parana-Etendeka Province. This compositional and geochronological connection between the tholeiitic magmatism located north and south of the Sao Francisco craton supports a possible genetic connection between these two Early Cretaceous LIPs and serve as base to future investigations that deal with what would have been the (global) mechanisms that led to the rifting of the Atlantic, from the southern segment to the equatorial margin.
Dike swarms,Tholeiitic magmatism,Gondwana breakup,South Atlantic,LIP
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