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Lung Cancer Risks Associated with Occupational Exposure to Pairs of Five Lung Carcinogens: Results from a Pooled Analysis of Case-Control Studies (SYNERGY).

Environmental health perspectives(2024)SCI 1区

WHO | Int Agcy Res Canc IARC WHO | Univ Utrecht | Inst Ruhr Univ Bochum IPA | Univ Montreal | Karolinska Inst | SUNY Stony Brook | Univ Paris Cite | Univ Rennes | Univ Hosp | Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen | Fdn IRCCS CaGranda Osped Maggiore Policlin | NCI | Univ Turin | Univ Hosp Essen | Leibniz Inst Prevent Res & Epidemiol BIPS | Univ Oviedo | NN Blokhin Natl Res Ctr Oncol | Univ Liverpool | M Sklodowska Curie Natl Res Inst Oncol | Nofer Inst Occupat Med | Univ Toronto | Ontario Hlth | Charles Univ Prague | Masaryk Mem Canc Inst | Palacky Univ | Natl Publ Hlth Ctr | Reg Author Publ Hlth | Natl Inst Publ Hlth | ASL Roma E | ISGlobal

Cited 0|Views72
BACKGROUND:While much research has been done to identify individual workplace lung carcinogens, little is known about joint effects on risk when workers are exposed to multiple agents.OBJECTIVES:We investigated the pairwise joint effects of occupational exposures to asbestos, respirable crystalline silica, metals (i.e., nickel, chromium-VI), and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) on lung cancer risk, overall and by major histologic subtype, while accounting for cigarette smoking.METHODS:In the international 14-center SYNERGY project, occupational exposures were assigned to 16,901 lung cancer cases and 20,965 control subjects using a quantitative job-exposure matrix (SYN-JEM). Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were computed for ever vs. never exposure using logistic regression models stratified by sex and adjusted for study center, age, and smoking habits. Joint effects among pairs of agents were assessed on multiplicative and additive scales, the latter by calculating the relative excess risk due to interaction (RERI).RESULTS:All pairwise joint effects of lung carcinogens in men were associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. However, asbestos/metals and metals/PAH resulted in less than additive effects; while the chromium-VI/silica pair showed marginally synergistic effect in relation to adenocarcinoma (RERI: 0.24; CI: 0.02, 0.46; p = 0.05). In women, several pairwise joint effects were observed for small cell lung cancer including exposure to PAH/silica (OR = 5.12; CI: 1.77, 8.48), and to asbestos/silica (OR = 4.32; CI: 1.35, 7.29), where exposure to PAH/silica resulted in a synergistic effect (RERI: 3.45; CI: 0.10, 6.8).DISCUSSION:Small or no deviation from additive or multiplicative effects was observed, but co-exposure to the selected lung carcinogens resulted generally in higher risk than exposure to individual agents, highlighting the importance to reduce and control exposure to carcinogens in workplaces and the general environment.
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Key words
Asbestos exposure,Exposure Assessment,Occupational carcinogens
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