Efficient removal of toxicity associated to wastewater treatment plant effluents by enhanced Soil Aquifer Treatment


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The regeneration of wastewater has been recognized as an effective strategy to counter water scarcity. Nonetheless, Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) effluents still contain a wide range of contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) even after water depuration. Filtration through Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) systems has proven efficient for CECs removal although the attenuation of their associated biological effects still remains poorly understood. To evaluate this, three pilot SAT systems were monitored, two of them enhanced with different reactive barriers. SATs were fed with secondary effluents during two consecutive campaigns. Fifteen water samples were collected from the WWTP effluent, below the barriers and 15 m into the aquifer. The potential attenuation of effluent -associated biological effects by SATs was evaluated through toxicogenomic bioassays using zebrafish eleutheroembryos and human hepatic cells. Transcriptomic analyses revealed a wide range of toxic activities exerted by the WWTP effluents that were reduced by more than 70% by SAT. Similar results were observed when HepG2 hepatic cells were tested for cytotoxic and dioxin -like responses. Toxicity reduction appeared partially determined by the barrier composition and/or SAT managing and correlated with CECs removal. SAT appears as a promising approach to efficiently reduce effluent -associated toxicity contributing to environmental and human health preservation.
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Key words
Endocrine disruption,Dioxin-like,Embryotoxicity,Xenotoxicants,Emerging pollutants,Managed aquifer recharge,Wastewater
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