High with low: Harnessing the power of demand-side solutions for high wellbeing with low energy and material demand
Masahiro Sugiyama,Charlie Wilson,Dominik Wiedenhofer,Benigna Boza-Kiss, Tao Cao,Joyee S. Chatterjee,Souran Chatterjee, Takuya Hara,Ayami Hayashi,Yiyi Ju,Volker Krey,Maria Fernanda Godoy Leon,Luis Martinez,Eric Masanet,Alessio Mastrucci,Jihoon Min,Leila Niamir,Setu Pelz,Joyashree Roy,Yamina Saheb,Roberto Schaeffer, Diana Uerge-Vorstaz,Bas van Ruijven,Yoshiyuki Shimoda,Elena Verdolini,Frauke Wiese,Yohei Yamaguchi,Carina Zell-Ziegler,Caroline Zimm JOULE(2024)
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