Primordial gravitational waves in Wheeler-DeWitt non-commutative linearized branch-cut quantum gravity


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Branch-cut gravity (BCG) is an extended version of the ontological domain of General Relativity, which is analytically continued to the complex plane. When combined with the Hawking-Hertog multiverse conception, BCG successfully addresses the issue of the primordial singularity. It consistently portrays the early Universe as a Riemannian foliation in which the singularities of the multiverse merge, giving rise to a smooth branching topological structure that resembles continuously connected Riemann surfaces. This structure introduces a new cosmic scale factor that is analytically continued into the complex plane. In this contribution, we start with the recently developed Wheeler DeWitt-Horava-Lifshitz non-commutative BCG formulation of quantum gravity. We investigate the impact of a non-commutative mini-superspace of variables obeying Poisson algebra on the accelerated behavior of the branch-cutting cosmic scale factor. drive spacetime acceleration, offering a new perspective on explaining the accelerating expansion rate of our Universe. As far as primordial relic gravitational waves are concerned, our predictions reveal an intricate transition between the two phases of the branched Universe: a contraction phase preceding the conventional concept of a primordial singularity and a subsequent expansion phase whose transition region is characterized by a Riemannian topological foliation structure. Furthermore, this transition is characterized by asymmetric distributions of gravitational wave intensities.
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