Siamese Networks with Soft Labels for Unsupervised Lesion Detection and Patch Pretraining on Screening Mammograms

Kevin Van Vorst,Li Shen


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Self-supervised learning has become a popular way to pretrain a deep learning model and then transfer it to perform downstream tasks. However, most of these methods are developed on large-scale image datasets that contain natural objects with clear textures, outlines, and distinct color contrasts. It remains uncertain whether these methods are equally effective for medical imaging, where the regions of interest often blend subtly and indistinctly with the surrounding tissues. In this study, we propose an alternative method that uses contralateral mammograms to train a neural network to encode similar embeddings when a pair contains both normal images and different embeddings when a pair contains normal and abnormal images. Our approach leverages the natural symmetry of human body as weak labels to learn to distinguish abnormal lesions from background tissues in a fully unsupervised manner. Our findings suggest that it's feasible by incorporating soft labels derived from the Euclidean distances between the embeddings of the image pairs into the Siamese network loss. Our method demonstrates superior performance in mammogram patch classification compared to existing self-supervised learning methods. This approach not only leverages a vast amount of image data effectively but also minimizes reliance on costly labels, a significant advantage particularly in the field of medical imaging.
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