Relocalization of Uranium 5f Electrons in the Antiferromagnetic Heavy-Fermion Superconductor UPd2Al3 : Insights from Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy

Physical review B/Physical review B(2024)

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We investigate the antiferromagnetic heavy fermion superconductor UPd 2 Al 3 , employing angle -resolved photoemission spectroscopy to unravel the complex electronic structure of its U 5 f electrons. We observe unexpected characteristics that challenge the conventional temperature -dependent behavior of heavy fermion systems, revealing unexpected characteristics. At temperatures above the anticipated coherence temperature ( T * ), we observe itinerant U 5 f electrons at temperatures higher than previously postulated. Additionally, a previously unidentified dispersionless band emerges around 600 meV below the Fermi energy, potentially linked to spin -orbit splitting within the U 5 f states. Hybridization between the 5 f electrons and conduction band was observed with an energy dispersion of 10 meV at low temperatures, suggesting that U 5 f electrons near and at the Fermi surface have an itinerant nature. Temperature -dependent 5 d -5 f resonance spectra reveal that the 5 f electron spectrum weight increases with lowering temperature and begins to decrease at temperatures significantly higher than the N & eacute;el temperature ( T N ). We further show that the competition between the Kondo effect and Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interactions may be responsible for the relocalization of 5 f electrons, making relocalization a precursor to the establishment of magnetic order at lower temperatures. Our experiments also provide evidence that 5 f electrons with the same orbital are involved in both the Kondo effect and RKKY interactions, suggesting that the two coexist at lower temperatures.
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