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Updated Checklist of the Mosquitoes (diptera: Culicidae) of Mexico.

Journal of vector ecology(2023)

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Based on historical and recent records, an updated list of 244 nominal species and three undescribed mosquitoes from Mexico is presented. Since 1990, 15 species have been recorded for the first time in Mexico: Aedes guatemala, Ae. brelandi, Ae. insolitus, Ae. melanimon, Ae. albopictus, Culex daumastocampa, Cx. metempsytus, Cx. erethyzonfer, Culiseta melanura, Limatus asulleptus, Sabethes gymnothorax, Trichoprosopon pallidiventer, Toxorhynchites moctezuma, Uranotaenia socialis, and Wyeomyia chalcocephala. Five species were discovered and described: Ae. amaterui, Ae. lewnielseni, Cx. diamphidius, Shannoniana huasteca, and Tr. mixtli. Three species were discovered without yet describing or naming them: Ae. (Protomacleaya) sp. 1, Ae. (Ochlerotatus) sp. 2, and Wyeomyia sp. 3. Five species had been removed from the Mexican mosquito fauna: Ae. stigmaticus, Cx. imitator, Onirion personatum, Sa. tarsopus, and Tx. theobaldi. With the intention of updating the checklist of the mosquito species in Mexico, historical and recent species records were reviewed, as well as the review of entomological collections, resulting in the confirmation of the presence in Mexico of Ae. thelcter, Cs. impatiens, and Orthopodomyia alba. Morphological and molecular evidence confirms the presence of Wy. jocosa, while Anopheles atropos, Psorophora confinnis, Cx. jenningsi, Mansonia indubitans, Tr. pallidiventer, and Tr. soaresi are removed from the Mexican mosquito fauna.
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Key words
Anophelinae,Culicinae,endemic species,invasive species.
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