
Analyzing GOES-R ABI BRDF-adjusted EVI2 time series by comparing with VIIRS observations over the CONUS


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The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) instruments onboard the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R series (GOES-R) provide new opportunities to expand their applications in global terrestrial ecology and environmental sciences. It offers a 5-15 min temporal resolution and 0.5-1 km spatial resolution that greatly benefit those environmental applications where spatial resolution can be compromised in favor of more frequent imagery. However, ABI captures reflected radiation at varying sun positions throughout the day, causing significant diurnal variations. The varying off-nadir view across ABI full disk presents further challenges for generating comparable and consistent vegetation observations, such as the two-band Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI2). To address these challenges, three Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) models (RossThick-LiSparse-Reciprocal (RTLSR), Walthall, and Tian models) are examined to generate high-quality BRDF-adjusted EVI2 based on GeoNEX GOES-16 ABI surface reflectance. The ABI BRDF retrievals are then systematically compared to the corresponding VIIRS (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite) Nadir BRDFAdjusted Reflectance (NBAR) products (VNP43 V001) retrieved from RTLSR model. The viewing geometry effects are further analyzed over various land cover types using time series analysis, Pearson Correlation Coefficients (PCC), and Relative Difference (RD) between ABI and VIIRS high-quality time series inversions. The results indicate that the RTLSR model fits well the diurnal ABI observed reflectance and EVI2 values (even for the hot-spot phenomena), and outperforms the Walthall and Tian models for generating ABI high-quality BRDF retrievals with consistently low Root Mean Square Error (RMSE<0.02) and Weight of Determination (WoD < 0.5) across the CONUS. The annual proportion of ABI high-quality BRDF retrievals with a 3-day moving window using the RTLSR model is spatially and statistically comparable to that of VIIRS NBAR with a 16-day retrieval period. Compared to the time series of high-quality VIIRS NBAR EVI2, the BRDF adjusted ABI EVI2 time series still show considerable impacts of view zenith angles over evergreen forest, shrubland, and savanna pixels. However, such impacts are not significant over spatially homogeneous pixels such as cropland and deciduous forests. These results emphasize the need for BRDF correction when considering the impact of off-nadir observations from geostationary satellites on vegetation monitoring. They also demonstrate the advantages of geostationary satellites in capturing rapid changes in greenness trajectories.
Geostationary satellites,GOES ABI,VIIRS NBAR,EVI2,BRDF,CONUS,Hot-spot,Diurnal variation
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