Resting heart rate moderates the relationship between parental emotion socialization and callous-unemotional traits in children

Jingyi He,Yu Gao, Jiaxin Deng,Meng-Cheng Wang

European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry(2023)

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Although empirical findings have indicated that both familial and neurobiological risk factors contribute to the development of callous-unemotional (CU) traits in children, relatively few studies have investigated how these two factors interact to influence these traits. The current study focused on the combined effects of parental emotion socialization and child’s resting heart rate on CU traits. Parents of Chinese children ( N = 166) completed the Coping with Children’s Negative Scale when children were 9.39 years old ( SD = 0.92), while children’s resting heart rate data were collected when they were 10.21 years old ( SD = 0.72). When they were 11.15 years old ( SD = 0.67), parents completed the Inventory of Callous-Unemotional Traits Short-Form. Results showed that parental supportive emotion socialization was negatively associated with CU traits and Callous behaviors in particular. In addition, resting heart rate moderated the relationship between parental emotion socialization and child’s CU traits. Findings provide further evidence that an interdisciplinary approach that combines both psychosocial and biological factors is essential to further our understanding of CU traits in youth.
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Key words
Parenting,Callous-Unemotional traits,Psychopathy,Autonomic arousal,Biosocial,Latent moderated structural equations
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