
Stem Cells Derived from Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth Functional Assessment: Exploring the Changes of Free Fatty Acids Composition During Cultivation

International journal of molecular sciences(2023)

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The metabolic regulation of stemness is widely recognized as a crucial factor in determining the fate of stem cells. When transferred to a stimulating and nutrient-rich environment, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) undergo rapid proliferation, accompanied by a change in protein expression and a significant reconfiguration of central energy metabolism. This metabolic shift, from quiescence to metabolically active cells, can lead to an increase in the proportion of senescent cells and limit their regenerative potential. In this study, MSCs from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs) were isolated and expanded in vitro for up to 10 passages. Immunophenotypic analysis, growth kinetics, in vitro plasticity, fatty acid content, and autophagic capacity were assessed throughout cultivation to evaluate the functional characteristics of SHEDs. Our findings revealed that SHEDs exhibit distinctive patterns of cell surface marker expression, possess high self-renewal capacity, and have a unique potential for neurogenic differentiation. Aged SHEDs exhibited lower proliferation rates, reduced potential for chondrogenic and osteogenic differentiation, an increasing capacity for adipogenic differentiation, and decreased autophagic potential. Prolonged cultivation of SHEDs resulted in changes in fatty acid composition, signaling a transition from anti-inflammatory to proinflammatory pathways. This underscores the intricate connection between metabolic regulation, stemness, and aging, crucial for optimizing therapeutic applications.
stem cells,human exfoliated deciduous teeth,SHED,lipid metabolism
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