
Building a More Secure Territory Spatial Pattern in China: an Analysis Based on Human-Environment Interactions


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To understand and respond to the common ecological and environmental challenges faced by human beings, this study investigated the relationship between territorial spatial development (TSD), eco-environmental responses, and territorial spatial planning (TSP) from the perspective of human-environment interactions and explores a feasible way to modulate these human-environment interactions by taking China’s TSP practice as an illustrative case. The research results show that (1) the interplay between territorial development, resource utilization, and environmental feedback forms the crux of human-environment interactions. Notably, eco-environment responses, one of which is the spread of germs, coupled with human development and utilization behavior constitute a complete negative feedback loop. Human beings’ adjustment to the unbalanced conditions in these interactions, employing institutions, technology, planning, and other tools, constitutes a positive cycle within human-environment interactions. (2) TSP can regulate the whole process of human-environment interactions through mechanisms such as coordination and control, adaptation and mitigation, and consolidation and restoration. (3) Unreasonable agricultural development and urban expansion have triggered intense negative feedback on the ecological environment. (4) The Chinese government has carried out a top-down TSP reform initiative to establish a unified planning system. This aims to alleviate the adverse ecological and environmental effects caused by TSD and build a more secure territory space pattern. Therefore, nations around the globe should innovate their spatial planning management systems and spatial planning systems, standardize and guide the development and utilization of spatial resources, and coordinate the relationship between humans and the environment.
human-environment interactions,territory spatial development,territory spatial planning,territory spatial pattern
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