
Joint QTL Mapping and Transcriptome Sequencing Analysis Reveal Candidate Genes for Salinity Tolerance in Oryza Sativa L. Ssp. Japonica Seedlings

International journal of molecular sciences(2023)

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Salinity stress is one of the major abiotic stresses affecting crop growth and production. Rice is an important food crop in the world, but also a salt-sensitive crop, and the rice seedling stage is the most sensitive to salt stress, which directly affects the final yield formation. In this study, two RIL populations derived from the crosses of CD (salt-sensitive)/WD (salt-tolerant) and KY131 (salt-sensitive)/XBJZ (salt-tolerant) were used as experimental materials, and the score of salinity toxicity (SST), the relative shoot length (RSL), the relative shoot fresh weight (RSFW), and the relative shoot dry weight (RSDW) were used for evaluating the degree of tolerance under salt stress in different lines. The genetic linkage map containing 978 and 527 bin markers were constructed in two RIL populations. A total of 14 QTLs were detected on chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, and 12. Among them, qSST12-1, qSST12-2, and qRSL12 were co-localized in a 140-kb overlap interval on chromosome 12, which containing 16 candidate genes. Furthermore, transcriptome sequencing and qRT-PCR were analyzed in CD and WD under normal and 120 mM NaCl stress. LOC_Os12g29330, LOC_Os12g29350, LOC_Os12g29390, and LOC_Os12g29400 were significantly induced by salt stress in both CD and WD. Sequence analysis showed that LOC_Os12g29400 in the salt-sensitive parents CD and KY131 was consistent with the reference sequence (Nipponbare), whereas the salt-tolerant parents WD and XBJZ differed significantly from the reference sequence both in the promoter and exon regions. The salt-tolerant phenotype was identified by using two T3 homozygous mutant plants of LOC_Os12g29400; the results showed that the score of salinity toxicity (SST) of the mutant plants (CR-3 and CR-5) was significantly lower than that of the wild type, and the seedling survival rate (SSR) was significantly higher than that of the wild type, which indicated that LOC_Os12g29400 could negatively regulate the salinity tolerance of rice at the seedling stage. The results lay a foundation for the analysis of the molecular mechanism of rice salinity tolerance and the cultivation of new rice varieties.
rice,QTL,transcriptome sequencing,salinity tolerance,candidate gene
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