
Research on Optimal Scheduling of Integrated Energy System Based on Coordinated Control of Flexible Load

Li Tianyu, Xia Yu,Ma Gang, Yu Sun

2023 8th International Conference on Power and Renewable Energy (ICPRE)(2023)

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The paper mainly studies the flexible load coordinated control and optimal scheduling technology in the integrated energy system to make full use of the virtual energy storage effect, reduce the demand for actual energy storage devices, and thus reduce the system construction cost. The main research contents are as follows: Firstly, the integrated energy system model with flexible load is studied in depth. This involves analyzing the operation principle of each piece of equipment in the integrated energy system of electro-thermal coupling and establishing the corresponding mathematical model. Secondly, the reliability improvement of integrated energy systems with flexible loads is explored. To this end, we perform state estimation of the integrated energy system and establish a supply and demand state measurement model and a fault state identification model for the electronic system and the thermal subsystem to determine whether the integrated energy system needs load reduction. Finally, we focus on the optimal scheduling of integrated energy systems with flexible loads. In this part, we use multi-agent technology to establish a flexible load cooperative control model and cluster the dispersed flexible loads. This includes the design of the upper agent control model, which uses the non-cooperative game strategy, and the lower load group control model considering the load rebound. Through the above research, we aim to achieve efficient utilization of flexible loads in integrated energy systems, reduce system construction costs, and improve the reliability of the entire system. This will provide important theoretical and practical support for the optimal operation and management of integrated energy systems.
integrated energy,flexible load,reliability improvement,optimized scheduling
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