
Semiparametric Copula Estimation for Spatially Correlated Multivariate Mixed Outcomes: Analyzing Visual Sightings of Fin Whales from Line Transect Survey

arXiv (Cornell University)(2023)

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Multivariate data having both continuous and discrete variables is known as mixed outcomes and has widely appeared in a variety of fields such as ecology, epidemiology, and climatology. In order to understand the probability structure of multivariate data, the estimation of the dependence structure among mixed outcomes is very important. However, when location information is equipped with multivariate data, the spatial correlation should be adequately taken into account; otherwise, the estimation of the dependence structure would be severely biased. To solve this issue, we propose a semiparametric Bayesian inference for the dependence structure among mixed outcomes while eliminating spatial correlation. To this end, we consider a hierarchical spatial model based on the rank likelihood and a latent multivariate Gaussian process. We develop an efficient algorithm for computing the posterior using the Markov Chain Monte Carlo. We also provide a scalable implementation of the model using the nearest-neighbor Gaussian process under large spatial datasets. We conduct a simulation study to validate our proposed procedure and demonstrate that the procedure successfully accounts for spatial correlation and correctly infers the dependence structure among outcomes. Furthermore, the procedure is applied to a real example collected during an international synoptic krill survey in the Scotia Sea of the Antarctic Peninsula, which includes sighting data of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus), and the relevant oceanographic data.
Mixed-Effects Models,Mixture Models,Variational Inference,Nonparametric Bayesian,Structural Equation Modeling
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