
Morphological Description of Spontaneous Pelvic Fin Loss in a Neotropical Cichlid Fish.

Journal of morphology(2023)

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Pelvic fins are a characteristic structure of the vertebrate Bauplan. Yet, pelvic fin loss has occurred repeatedly across a wide diversity of other lineages of tetrapods and at least 48 times in teleost fishes. This pelvic finless condition is often associated with other morphological features such as body elongation, loss of additional structures, and bilateral asymmetry. However, despite the remarkable diversity in the several thousand cichlid fish species, none of them are characterized by the complete absence of pelvic fins. Here, we examined the musculoskeletal structure and associated bilateral asymmetry in Midas cichlids (Amphilophus cf. citrinellus) that lost their pelvic fins spontaneously in the laboratory. Due to this apparent mutational loss of the pelvic girdle and fins, the external and internal anatomy are described in a series of "normal" Midas individuals and their pelvic finless sibling tankmates. First, other traits associated with teleost pelvic fin loss, the genetic basis of pelvic fin loss, and the potential for pleiotropic effects of these genes on other traits in teleosts were all reviewed. Using these traits as a guide, we investigated whether other morphological differences were associated with the pelvic girdle/fin loss. The mean values of the masses of muscle of the pectoral fin, fin ray numbers in the unpaired fins, and oral jaw tooth numbers did not differ between the two pelvic fin morphotypes. However, significant differences in meristic values of the paired traits assessed were observed for the same side of the body between morphotypes. Notably, bilateral asymmetry was found exclusively for the posterior lateral line scales. Finally, we found limited evidence of pleiotropic effects, such as lateral line scale numbers and fluctuating asymmetry between the Midas pelvic fin morphotypes. The fast and relatively isolated changes in the Midas cichlids suggest minor but interesting pleiotropic effects could accompany loss of cichlid pelvic fins. Normal (left column) and pelvic finless (right column) Midas cichlid morphotypes were examined. The green boxes highlight the pelvic fins in normal individuals, and the red boxes indicate the spontaneous appendage loss. The ventral and lateral views show the absence of the distal pterygiophores of the pelvic fins. X-rays and cleared/stained individuals reveal that the large basipterygial plates and bones supporting the pelvic fin rays are absent.image
fluctuating asymmetry,limb loss,muscles,pleiotropy
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