
Characteristics of Microscopic Pore Heterogeneity and Development Model of Wufeng–Longmaxi Shales in the Pengshui Area of South-East Chongqing


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Normal-pressure shale gas reservoirs are widely distributed in south-eastern Chongqing and show good potential for resource exploration. This paper reports the organic matter (OM), physical, and pore characteristics, mineral composition, and gas content of representative shale samples from the Upper Ordovician Wufeng Formation and Member 1 of the Lower Silurian Longmaxi Formation (Long 1 Member). Microscopic pores within different shale layers of the Long 1 Member were classified, quantitatively evaluated, and their development mechanisms were systematically studied. We found that OM characteristics, mineral composition, and pore type were the main factors affecting the enrichment and preservation of shale gas. The characteristics of the Long 1 Member are mainly controlled by changes in the sedimentary environment. There are evident differences in total organic carbon content and mineral composition vertically, leading to a variable distribution of pores across different layers. Organic matter abundance controls the degree of OM pore development, while clay minerals abundance control the development of clay mineral-related pores. Total organic carbon content generally controls the porosity of the Long 1 Member, but clay minerals also play a role in OM-poor layers. Pore connectivity and permeability are influenced by the development of pores associated with brittle minerals. We propose a microscopic pore development model for the different layers. Combining geochemical data and this pore development model, layers 1–4 are considered to be excellent shale gas preservation and enrichment reservoirs. Poor preservation conditions in layers 5–7 result in high levels of shale gas escape. Layers 8–9 possess a better sealing condition compared with layers 5`-7 and are conducive to the enrichment and preservation of shale gas, and can thus be used as future potential target strata. This research provides a theoretical basis for exploring and evaluating shale gas potential in the studied region or other complex normal-pressure shale blocks.
shale gas,pore characteristics,Longmaxi Formation,reservoir model
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