
Feasibility of Exploiting Physiological and Motion Features for Camera-based Sleep Staging: A Clinical Study

Qiongyan Wang,Hanrong Cheng,Wenjin Wang

2023 45th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine &amp Biology Society (EMBC)(2023)

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Camera-based sleep monitoring is an emergent research topic in sleep medicine. The feasibility of using both the physiological features and motion features measured by a video camera for sleep staging was not thoroughly investigated. In this paper, we built a camera-based non-contact sleep monitoring setup in the Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Shenzhen People’s Hospital, and created a clinical sleep dataset (nocturnal video data of 11 adults) including the expert-corrected PSG references synchronized with the video. The camera-based measurements have shown high correlations with the PSG. It obtains an overall Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of 1.5 bpm for heart-rate (HR), 0.7 bpm for breathing-rate (BR), 13.9 ms for heart-rate variability (HRV), and an accuracy of 93.5% for leg motion detection. The statistical analysis indicates that the averaged HR and variations of BR are distinct features for annotating four sleep stages (awake, REM, light sleep, and deep sleep). HRV parameter (SDNN) can clearly differentiate rapid-eye-movement (REM) and non-REM, while the leg movement is a distinctive feature for separating awake and sleep. The clinical trial demonstrated the feasibility of using physiological and motion features measured by a camera for joint sleep staging, and provides insights for sleep-related feature selection.
camera,sleep staging,physiological measurement,motions
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