
Daily, seasonal, and long-distance movements inferred from Fastloc-GPS telemetry of immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at a high-latitude, mid-ocean developmental site

PLOS ONE(2023)

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To characterize the movements and habitat use of juvenile green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in benthic developmental habitat, we deployed Fastloc-GPS-enabled satellite transmitters on 16 individuals captured as part of a multi-decade study of green turtles on the Bermuda Platform. We characterized residence areas, distinct use areas within them, and seasonal movements based on an average of 562 Fastloc-GPS positions and 284 tracking days per turtle. We estimated residence area sizes using traditional home range methods, e.g., 90% utilization distribution (UD) (mean 2.29 +/- 2.71 km(2)) and 50% UD (mean 0.54 +/- 0.69 km(2)). Total residence area size increased significantly over the 8-year study, from <1 km(2) before 2013 to >= 3 km(2) in 2018 (R-2 = 0.51, F1,14 = 14.55, p = 0.0019), corresponding to a period of decline in seagrass habitat and suggesting increased foraging effort. We identified three types of distinct use areas within residence areas where tracked turtles typically exhibited behavioral fidelity: foraging, resting, and cool weather refugia. These distinct use areas were smaller than high-use areas from previous studies; e.g., seagrass meadow foraging areas averaged 0.05 km(2). Most turtles made daily transits between foraging and resting sites; for some individuals, these involved crossing frequently used vessel navigation channels. Seasonal variation in behavior suggested that the overwintering strategy for green turtles on the Bermuda Platform involves "optional dormancy," during which turtles spent less time on seagrass meadows and made brief excursions to distinct deeper habitats. Four individuals made directed (mean path straightness = 0.93 +/- 0.02 SD) developmental migrations away from Bermuda toward known adult foraging range. Results of our study further knowledge of the green turtle life cycle at a high-latitude site; they demonstrate that green turtles show fidelity to distinct use areas within developmental habitats over many years and exhibit seasonal movements.
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