
Microstructure Analysis and Life Prediction of DD6 Superalloy under 760 °C Combined High and Low Cycle Fatigue Conditions

Engineering Fracture Mechanics(2024)

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The impact of high and low cycle combined loads on the fatigue performance of DD6 alloy was investigated in this work. Specifically, the combined high-and low-cycle fatigue response of DD6 alloy was examined at a temperature of 760 degrees C under different low cycle stress amplitudes (960, 1000, and 1040 MPa). The findings revealed that higher low cycle stress amplitudes result in shorter combined high and low cycle fatigue life and less dispersion in life. Correlations between the microstructural features (crystal plane distribution, fracture elevation difference, and the area proportion of crack propagation zone) and fatigue performance were accurately established, demonstrating a linear relationship between these microstructural features and the logarithm of fatigue life. The study also uncovered the evolution rule of microstructural features in high-and low-cycle combined fatigue. Furthermore, the fracture mechanism was analyzed and the distri-bution of high and low cycle combined fatigue life of DD6 alloy at 760 degrees C was statistically validated using the dual-parameter Weibull distribution theory. Building upon the crystal plas-ticity theory, a fatigue life prediction model was developed, and the combined cycle fatigue lifespan under various low cycle stress amplitudes was compared. The comparison between the predicted life and actual fatigue life indicated that the predicted lifespan falls in three times the scatter band.
Nickel -based superalloys,Finite element analysis,Fatigue crack growth,Life prediction
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